Comics Sans Frontiers @ Rice University in Houston, March 20-23: Featuring keynote presentation by Art Spiegelman, original art by Jack Katz, and full program jampacked with participants from around the world. Sadly, I'll be out if the U.S. well before then.
BRIDGE by Matt Madden: Narrated by the artist.
You can't post your way out of Fascism: By Janus Rose at 404 Media.
War for Eternity: Warren Ellis on the book by Benjamin R. Teitelbaum.
General thoughts by Warren Ellis on navigating the current platform-scape: “My thing was, does anyone really want to fracture common culture and a shared marketplace any more than it already is? And an hour later, I thought, common culture is a delusion of my age. Common platforms, perhaps, but platforms are contingent and temporary. We are all 'creators' now.”
The Future Is Too Easy: David Roth's takedown of this year's consumer electronics convention in Las Vegas.
The Colors of Motion: Prints that stack the average colour of each frame from popular films into a timeline.
Doing nothing with your favorite people is really, really good for you: The fact that this needed to be an essay at all and is in fact being shared around without even an inkling of a “no-duh” attitude is evidence of one of the deepest maladies of Western civilization.
How communal living makes cooking easier, cheaper, and better: Echoing my very same sentiments as the above link does.
Ugur Galenkus uses photography to juxtapose war and peace.