G A N Z E E R . T O D A Y


Genuinely surprised there isn't more reporting on Israel remotely detonating handheld devices across Lebanon, and how news of this is not seeping into tech news. This takes the notion of weaponizing handheld devices against its users to a whole new level. Truly terrifying, and we're only seeing the very early stages of its implementation.

Image via Newsmap.


Not quite a collection of short fiction as much as it presents blueprints for approaching fiction, often very grand, interestingly-structured fiction. The reviews of fictitious non-existent books are my favorite in the collection, but there are only a handful of those, and the rest is mostly pretty straight fiction which I didn't get much out of. Not that I didn't like them... Full review of Borges' FICTIONS over at Ganzeer.Reviews.

Day lost to migraine. Will attempt to turn in early tonight and get a fresh start tomorrow.

In other news:

  • Lionsgate Inks Deal With AI Firm to Mine Its Massive Film and TV Library — The Hollywood Reporter: A new age of schlock is upon us.

  • Society of the Psyop — E-Flux: Wherever there's the smoke of a conspiracy theory, you better believe there's fire.

  • Michael Chabon on Israel's latest attack on Lebanon:

#reads #journal #radar

Coffee after 4:00pm for me is usually a bad idea, guaranteed to keep me up until well after midnight. So I was surprised to find myself crashing immediately after a 7:00pm Americano, only to reemerge among the living at 1:00am. Circadian rhythm officially fucked.

Phase 1 of PROJECT BLOSSOM complete. Now I can put it aside before entering phase 2 later next week. PROJECT TWENTY-FIVE I must dedicate Monday to, do the whole thing start-to-finish in a single day. Hoping to have 3 full days assigned entirely to TSG next week, need to pencil in a minimum of 6 pages, but more if I can manage. This weekend is for my boy.

The second half of the Penguin edition of Borges' FICTIONS seems to be dedicated to more straightforward short fiction, but much of it still flies over my head regardless. Close to 70% into this strainful little book that I had no idea would be so difficult. Late night gyoza to help me power through.

On a completely different note, love this collection of Kafka covers by Peter Mendelsund.

#journal #work #reads #radar

It is hard to believe that this chapter may very well be the last time I draw her for a very long time if not forever.

My plan for the day turned out to be a little too ambitious after all, but TSG pages are coming along smoothly.

Today's background listening included:

  • Bret Easton Ellis interviews Paul Schrader — Really great. I particularly love the few Pauline Kael anecdotes Schrader shares. Kael is grossly overrated in my opinion, and I say this having enjoyed a number of her books. She did good to bring actual critical criticism to the field, but neither her taste nor how she expressed it really jive with me.

  • TRACKMARKS by Hamed Sinno — Sinno, who is one of the most talented and creative people I know, was on a train in London when it got held up because a man on the tracks in what was apparently a suicide attempt. Folks on the train started to get irritated, and that irritation soon ballooned into rage, directed squarely at the distressed man who messed up their schedules. Hamed was wise enough to record this vocalized rage and weave it into a powerful song together with lyrics drawn entirely from advertising slogans seen on the London Underground. 👌

#journal #work #comix #tsg #resistdystopia #radar

“How many years has it been since I could abandon myself to a book written by another, with no relation to what I must write myself?”


Image above is a screen grab showing one of Calvino's mad manuscripts, from a great 1985 interview conducted with him on the BBC's Bookmark show.

#reads #radar #quote


“We believe that there is no material problem – whether created by nature or by technology – that cannot be solved with more technology.”

The fundamental thought-deficiency to be found in the heads of most tech billionaires and tech bros more widely. More:

“Combine technology and markets and you get what Nick Land has termed the techno-capital machine, the engine of perpetual material creation, growth, and abundance. We believe the techno-capital machine of markets and innovation never ends, but instead spirals continuously upward.”

From Marc Andreessen's The Techno-Optimist's Manifesto.

#radar #dystopia

Applications currently open for the Atlanta and Boston chapters of the Artadia Awards. Houston opens on Oct 1.

#grants #radar

My good friend and amazing actor and multi-hyphenate of many talents Dana Omar over in Chicago is putting together a pilot for a powerful passion project of hers called STUCK. She's reached a good 49% of her funding goal and has about 17 days left to raise the rest! Many great rewards ensue.

#web #radar