G A N Z E E R . T O D A Y


Woke up to 16°C. This is probably not too cold for many people, but it was all the way up in the 30s just a day ago. Such a sudden drop is too much of a shock to my system and I am thus visibly grumpy. I like my seasonal changes to be a little more gradual, please.

Thoughts on geopolitical developments in the back of my mind are keeping me from being able to focus on much anything, but I am trying.

Most of the latest UNGA speeches likened the current moment to the interwar period, signaling that we may indeed be on the brink of another world war lest something is done about it. America's Council on Foreign Relations cites 28 ongoing conflicts worldwide right now. Russia-Ukraine, now in its third year, is of course of extreme significance, as is the Israel-Palestine-Lebanon-Iran mess. The Houthi situation in Yemen along with recent developments in the Horn of Africa posits that this will likely be an arena of major conflict just by virtue of the area's vitality to global trade routes. The situation surrounding Taiwan is likely to explode soon; China insists that Taiwan is part of its territory (and they aren't entirely wrong given that the state of Taiwan was only established in 1948 after maps were redrawn in the wake of WWII), and the US wants to make sure that does not happen primarily because of America's reliance on Taiwan for semiconductor and smart-chip manufacturing (the basis of all the technology we use today). The Biden administration has kickstarted the process of bringing those industries back into the US, but it will take quite a bit of time, money, expertise, and a whole lot of resources, and the US economy (or Western civilization as we know it even) cannot afford to let those industries be overtaken by China in the interim. Arguments surrounding historical national borderlines and sovereignty aside, the need for China's push to annex Taiwan is now even more acute after the US passed a ban against the sale of chips to China in 2022 (which goes against American free market ideology, but was seen as a necessary measure when it became evident that China, with the help of these imported chips, was overtaking the US in other areas, namely rocket technology). Reverse engineering these chips isn't so easy apparently, it requires a degree of brain-surgeon sophistication applied on an industrial scale. Tawian, South Korea, and the Netherlands seem to be the only nations on the planet that are any good at it.

It's a big hot mess out there.

Managed to get out to see Megalopolis. Surprisingly good turnout. Visually stunning film. Was on board and engaged for most of it. It only lost me in the third act which wrapped things up a little too nicely, the only part that was a little too “traditional Hollywood” for my taste. But otherwise, a generally good film. The only thing that keeps it from being a “great” film, in my view, is that it doesn't offer anything truly revelatory, or even sough any seeds for critical thought. It's fine. It's not bad at all. I'd certainly watch it again (and again) for the aesthetic, but not necessarily the narrative.

(Image above is a work-in-progress from the final THE SOLAR GRID)

#journal #Radar

Just saw people burn alive on my phone. Bomb dropped by Israel on an encampment outside a hospital. One burning body still clearly hooked up to their IV.

None of this would be happening without unquestionable US support. The world needs to stand up to the US and Israel in ways it never has before. Speeches given at the latest UNGA certainly indicate that that is already the case, but I fear the capacity of diplomacy may have already been long ago expended. This is really bad.

#radar #journal

Finally, an explanation that makes sense.

More great videos from Johnny Harris:

The latter one speaks of a potential contribution to Trump's 2016 election campaign from Egypt. Clearly shady practice, but it makes it sound like this sort of thing isn't common practice in America when we all know Israel has had its meddling hands all over many facets of American politics in more ways than one, not least of which is AIPAC contributions. What this says is that it is only okay for foreign countries to legally influence American politics if they up some kind of NGO or think-tank within the United States through which to funnel their bribes.


The democrats won't save you if you're drowning They won't help you if you are in pain They'll ask you for your vote They'll tell you they are broke Then send a lot of money to Ukraine (And also Israel!) Republicans will obviously kill you But at least you know where they are at They'll shoot you in the head Make sure that you are dead The Democrats will shoot you in the back (And also in the balls!) But this is the best democracy We've ever had anywhere (If you're a billionaire boys, if you're a billionaire)

From THE DEMOCRATS by Carsie Blanton.

Paying attention to American news, you wouldn't know this kind of brilliance was being produced by the culture. And there's more of it, a lot more.

I'm building a playlist on Spotify called RESIST! Recommendations welcome.

#radar #music

“The reward center of the European Americans' brains lit up much more when they received money themselves compared to when they gave money to their family members. The reverse occurred in the brains of Latino participants: Their reward centers lit up more when they gave money to their family compared to when they received money.”


I'm just going to leave these here.


The epic that is THE SOLAR GRID—the project I've been working on for the better part of the past 9 years—is now 91% complete.

Entering into hyperfocus mode to push through the remaining 9%.

I'm hardly ever on social media, but this reel about Chinese filmmaker Gao Xiaosong's time in an Israeli Kibbutz is too funny.

#work #comix #tsg #radar

You know things are messed up when the person responsible for the monitoring and censorship of anti-genocidal material posted across Meta's platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp), a userbase of almost 4 billion people worldwide, is Jordana Cutler, a person who once worked as a strategy advisor in Netanyahu's 2009 election campaign and later as his Advisor for Diaspora Affairs.


This wouldn't be the first time Egypt enters into military conflict with Ethiopia. An attempt to annex Ethiopia was made by Egypt in 1874, which really didn't go very well for Egypt.

Things may get messy because Ethiopia has some sort of military agreement with Turkiye and an arms deal with Israel in addition to a major mining deal too.

