Tonight in Philly – Imag(in)ing Revolutions: Traditions of Unrest for an Anticolonial Art Praxis

Can't be on the East Coast without indulging in a morning bagel, keto be damned (which I'm very easygoing about anyway).

An idea for a novel made its way into my head that I can't seem to shake away. Granted it is a very experimental idea that no publisher in their right mind would want to take on, but I cannot shake it away nonetheless. Design-heavy book in the vein of heady non-fiction books, filled with an assortment of illustrations, infographics, documents, photographs, and ephemera. A visual feast, not just straight prose. And instead of all that visual material acting as mere illustrations for the prose, the narrative itself would be weaved through the sequential reading of all said material. Nonfictiony title though, in the vein of those self-help books. This is bad, need to not think about this anymore. Filing for later (much later), after wrapping up THE SOLAR GRID and also TIMES NEW HUMAN which I may potentially have good news about later this year.