3:30am and I am in the process of making bread for the first time in my life for no good reason. An activity I'm sure I will regret having pursued instead of sleep, when my child awakens in three hours.

Finished one of the TSG covers and newsletter went out a couple hours ago.

Paul McAuley: “Staying alert to the happening world helps rather more, I guess, than trying to follow trends and fashions in fiction that aren’t a good fit for what you are interested in. Drawing on the here and now, which is crammed with the weird and wonderful, and changes driven by science and technology, rather than reworking previous instances of science fiction.”

This is why the best artists in any field are always going to be the ones exposed to things outside of their field. Filmmakers who only watch films aren't as interesting as those who also read fiction. Comix-makers who only read comicbooks aren't as great as those who read history or frequent art galleries. Musicians who only listen to music aren't as interesting as those who survey the news. Fashion designers who only look at fashion designers aren't as interesting as those who backpack around the world.
