G A N Z E E R . T O D A Y


Computer decided to stop working a couple weeks back and only managed to get it back online today. Also happen to be going through another one of those major life upendings.

Both Mythomatic and Garage.Ganzeer taken offline in the meantime. Newsletter likely to commence before they do.


Here's a link to the web edition of the latest RESTRICTED FREQUENCY – 219: The Great Shi(f)t is Upon Us.

In other news, one of my bookshelves made the Shelfies newsletter. Really delightful initiative by authors Jared Shurin and Lavie Tidhar.

#journal #RF

A new RESTRICTED FREQUENCY is scheduled. Titled The Great Shi(f)t is Upon Us, it goes out in about 15 hours.

Here's the link to the previous RESTRICTED FREQUENCY – 218: Between Venice, Rome, and Cairo

#journal #rf

$11.50 somehow because America.


“Footsteps on cobblestone bounce off the walls in Venetian passageways. Aside from the sound of the occasional motorboat, there isn't much else to be heard on the streets of Venice; A much welcomed change of ambiance for someone who does not drive but hails from a world dominated by cars and multi-lane motorways. In Venice, wherever your eyes fall, there is only beauty to be seen.”

From issue 218 of RESTRICTED FREQUENCY, scheduled to go out late this evening.

#journal #RF

I fully intended to blog while on the road, but the way days unfolded kept me from even touching my laptop, which I must admit was a most welcomed change.

I may post a few travel pix over the next couple days, but for a few shots of the exhibition at the Palazzo del Fumetto on ganzeer.com. Not the best pix, as I neglected to bring my good camera and shot all these with my phone.

#journal #work #exhibition

I've had a foot in and out of the cultural scene in many cities around the world, and still no place compares to Cairo in that regard. The energy, enthusiasm, and genuine interest is simply unmatched.

Above photo from a series of talks related to Egyptian and Lebanese film history at Cimatheque in downtown Cairo a few days ago.


I am the grinch.

It is true.

I would appreciate Christmas in America much more if all the money that was spent on lights and gift-giving between family members who certainly have no real need for the gifts being given, if all of that was instead spent on the ever-increasing homeless forced to withstand the elements without shelter and those truly in need.


The national mood in America right now.

Poster available from Garage.Ganzeer.

Fancy pre-framed options also available for the champagne socialists in your life.

#work #journal

When this pops up as you unsubscribe from a service, you can't help but wonder: Well, why didn't y'all just price it that way in the first place?!?!

On a completely different note, I was today years old when I discovered the term “emotional age”. Based on this excellent interview with Jane Pratt on the Oldster substack, I think my emotional age may have capped at 32.

#journal #radar