Cracking open my first journal of the year and setting the tone for 2024.

Eight filled out suns to represent all completed chapters from my godforsaken graphic novel, only two chapters left to fill. I recall the very first couple of chapters I managed to pump out in 2, maybe 3 months, so I know I have it in me to get these out quick. Still scripting the very last chapter, which I'd like to finish before resuming pencils on the one before the last.

Funny, I was a wide-eyed newly wed working on those first couple of chapters back when. Now I'm newly divorced (a process that ate up most of 2023) working on the last two. Not dwelling on it or anything, but the mood is very different, perhaps aptly so in many ways.

Looks like much of the week will involve mapping out the year ahead, something I should've taken care of in December but there was a home-studio that needed improving and I've only got two hands and one single head, a relatively mediocre one at that.
