Coloring at a rate of about 2 pages a day now, which as I type this puts me at 22 days before I'm done. Add a couple more days for lettering, so 24 days in total before bringing Chapter 5 in for a landing. Let's say 30 days before release.

Still too long if you ask me. Will try to work faster, but hopefully 30 days is the maximumest I need.

Needless to say, the process of creating THE SOLAR GRID has made clear the virtues of the assembly-line system by which corporate comicbooks are created. Where as you're penciling page 5, page 3 and 4 might already be in an inker's hands, with page 1 and 2 already being colored by a separate colorist.

Might be worth it to look into a working system that takes advantage of said virtues while avoiding all the pitfalls that tend to come with that assembly system (rehashed storylines, aesthetic sameness, lack of authenticity, etc.).

Something to think about later. Back to work for now.

#Work #TheSolarGrid #Comix