G A N Z E E R . T O D A Y


The national mood in America right now.

Poster available from Garage.Ganzeer.

Fancy pre-framed options also available for the champagne socialists in your life.

#work #journal

No context THE SOLAR GRID but also #mood because I'm traveling soon.

#nocontextTSG #work #comix #thesolargrid #resistdystopia

Finally got around to populating the webshop with much work. Discount code BYEBYE24 shaves 24% off all orders until Dec. 6.

It is now confirmed that I'll be off to Italy on December 9th to attend the opening of Oltremari at the Palazzo del Fumetto in Pordenone, which features some of my work alongside that of Deena Mohamed, Tracy Chahwan, Twins Cartoon, and Issam Smiri.

There will also be some kind of joint bookshop event in Venice with Lina Ghaibeh, who has a new book out translated to Italian, IN/OUT.

With Italy's proximity to Egypt, I couldn't not take this opportunity to pay my family a visit. Which means the month of December is now more or less completely obliterated for me, and thus completing work on THE SOLAR GRID before the end of the year will no longer feasible. Which is really frustrating because I'm so damn close.

About halfway through in pencils, with a few pages completely inked, colored, and lettered (the mixed media ones, since the process for those is very different).

This less-than-ideal realization has, I must admit, put me in something of a mood.

#journal #work

No context THE SOLAR GRID.

And that is exactly what I'll be doing most of today, no turkey for me.

#work #comix #TheSolarGrid #ResistDystopia #nocontextTSG