It is entirely possible that this file is cursed. Second time in the span of 2 days this has happened. Last time resulted in a corrupt file that demanded I repeat a few days work from scratch.

I have, as of late, become rather obsessed with things that work well. Not just well, but as best as they're supposed to. This has resulted in a number of updates around the house; a couple of Made In non-stick pans, an electric pencil sharpener, electric eraser and mini vacuum cleaner for the rubbings, things like that. Because things that work as they're supposed to means a more efficient existence (seriously, those non-stick pans have saved me much time on unnecessary pan scrubbing).

Now whatever's going on with this cursed file really throws a wrench in all my attempts at efficient living, but I suppose that's just the universe's way of striking down and hahaha laughing at my face and telling me no matter what you do, Puny Human, you are not in control and you never will be hahaha!

#journal #work