Despite being taunted by both a half-inked page on my table and an unfinished human-sized painting out front, I have decided to spend the day tending to my inboxes (combined at 89) and my RSS catcher (388), but also cook a bunch (Madras-spiced meatballs and spinach-rice so far, hopefully still enough time to make a big batch of granola and also fish-balls).
Should also start thinking about next week's newsletter.
Current background listening is the Theory of Everything Podcast's excellent Not All Propaganda is Art series.
Finally got around to watching OPPENHEIMER the other night btw. It was fine.


Illustrated/designed a cover for a thing and inked in a page of TSG. Also made a post office run and picked up groceries, only to realize upon my return that I'm out of frozen fruit (essential for my daily smoothies). Combined inboxes at 155 and RSS catcher at 387! Looks like I have my weekend cut out for me.
Cannot unsee the sight of my baby boy's little hands flapping through water's surface trying to grab hold of a kickboard shortly after his swimming class. Not sure how long his head was under for, but the fright on his face when I pulled him out was like nothing I'd ever seen before. No crying, just terrible fear. You compare that to the unspeakable atrocities lived by the children of Gaza and their parents, and you can't help but feel a real hard pang in your chest.
Scanned in all the original art from TSG01 which forced me to look at it for the first time in a long time, realizing how drastically my line art has changed since I first started this ill-conceived project some nine years ago. Looking at those ancient pages, you can almost feel the weight of the world on my shoulders, stiff controlled lines, terrible worry. Not sure that comes across on the printed page necessarily, but certainly palpable on the original boards.
Lines loosen and glide a bit more on my latter pages, even in those scenes where I attempt to replicate the lineart from earlier pages.
Inking a couple pages today. A few orders need to be fulfilled, and a grocery run is in order, but dark windy skies threaten with hard rain.
#work #journal
Photo app is reminding me that it was this time last year that I was in Berlin. Such a great time connecting with friends old and new. This year, I have decided to stay put and go nowhere in the hopes of finally bringing TSG to completion. I find that every time I travel (or move studios/residences) I lose momentum, which takes time to regain before hitting my stride. Want to avoid any of that this year.
Everyone I know is leaving for the summer though. Understandable; the Houston heat can become a bit much, even for me. This however has put me in the position of caring for small furry creature this summer, belonging to the friend of a friend of a friend. After hiding for a few hours, I think she's finally starting to warm up to the place.

Awoke the other night at 3am for no apparent reason and started watching BECOMING KARL LAGERFELD on Hulu. Two episodes in and I'm into it. They've dubbed it in English though, with no option to view it otherwise, and I loathe dubbing. Would've much preferred to watch it in its original language (part French part German, I imagine?) and read subtitles instead.
I have come to realize however that I know nothing of Karl Lagerfeld other than the iconic look he has come to adopt later in life. A look that has pushed me to wonder such things as: What does Karl Lagerfeld wear to bed? Has Karl Lagerfeld ever gone for a swim? Has he ever indulged in street-food?
I may be inclined to pick up a book or two on the man, perhaps after I'm done reading FACTORY MADE.
#journal #watches #TV

Hot as balls in Houston these days, heavy rainstorms only make it more humid. But I'll still squeeze in a walk whenever I can, which begets me nothing but strange looks from the Houstonians in their cars. Nobody really walks around these parts, unless they are leashed to a dog.
I find that the less I walk, the less I'm able to think. No earbuds/podcasts/music for me thank you very much (except of course when I'm at the drawing board in the studio).

Officially done with Instagram for good, which I first joined 12 years ago, severing the last of my ties with social media. Facebook was the first to go a few years back, followed by Tumblr, and then Twitter.
My online presence will now henceforth be limited entirely to, the Restricted Frequency newsletter, Restricted Academy forum, and this here blog:
This may or may not be the start of a transitional decade to my later recluse years.
Terrible migraine this morning, and much on the docket:
1) Photograph the entirety of PROJECT OLDBOOK.
2) Ink TSG page.
3) Work on two book covers.
Will also need to bake a fresh batch of granola this morning because I'm out. Pretty big project fell through the other day, which clears up a good chunk of the remainder of the year. Good for getting on with TSG, but less than ideal on the financial end of things. May have to finally part with some original TSG pages, something I've managed to avoid thus far. All of them, over 300 to date, still in my possession.
#journal #work

Passed out almost immediately after child was picked up by his mother yesterday, leaving much laundry, dishes, and other messes to deal with this Monday. Not an ideal way to start the work week. Managed to ink a page of TSG nonetheless. On the second-to-last chapter as we speak. In that so-close-yet-so-far stage of finally completing the book.
Went to see Garland's CIVIL WAR not once, but twice. It is very, very good. Some of its flaws are rather noticeable the second time around, but it is still very good, very powerful. Manages to suggest a great deal despite a rather simple, straightforward plot. Something I oughtta learn to do myself sometime.
#journal #work #film #watches