What, you didn't think I'd do a Japanese manga sequence without throwing a bit of food porn in there, did ya?
Quite enjoyed drawing these scenes. And proud of myself for including no more than one panel chock full of speedlines. Not a very big one at that.
Still a few touch ups here and there and I should be able to call it a night.
1:36AM, inbox at 66. Keep sending nudes.
#Journal #Work #Comix #TheSolarGrid
As one might have expected, yesterday's inks spilled over into today and I only just about finished. It is 9:30PM and I am dead.
Which means I lost a day's worth of penciling this week, my first in a bunch of weeks. Had me a good streak there. I also fell off the keto wagon and had me a cookie.
(They were actually a lot of cookies.)
It's cool though; only 4 more pages worth of drawing duties on this chapter! đ€Ż
(Of course it doesn't actually end there. Still an estimated week worth of colors, followed by about 4 days of lettering. Almost there.)
Inbox at 56, some of which are actually important. But they will have to wait till tomorrow (another thing to cut into pencil time).
Bed calls, where I will attempt to relax with the aid of a terrible comic (actually). Thank you and good night.

#Journal #Work #Comix #TheSolarGrid

11:00PM, will have to pull an all-nighter if I wanna have these pages inked before I turn in.
Which of course will affect tomorrow's designated two pages worth of penciling.
Remember how I mentioned yesterday the whole domino effect thing? Yup, that's exactly what happened. Fixed fulfillment issues though. By starting a Shipstation account (thanks to a friend's recommendation) and ordering a new sturdy postal scale, which should arrive by Thursday.
Time for some late night espresso.
Send nudes and podcasts.
#Journal #Work #Comix #TheSolarGrid

Got my two pages worth of pencils in, really loose though.
Today was less than ideal tbh. Lost a good 4-5 hours on troubleshooting a fulfillment thing (Paypal not letting me buy/print shipping labels) and then my postal scale decided to stop working.
Neither issue has been resolved.
And that is what really ticks me off. To spend so much time on something and still not have it fixed. The thing they don't tell you is that to operate as an independent artistâtruly independent, with no ongoing connection to companies, collectives, galleries, agents, nothingâyou do a lot more than make the art. Even when operating as a sole individual, multiple âdepartmentsâ operate within your practice: the accounting department, retail department (a simple webshop is still a form of retail), fulfillment department, customer service department, marketing department, catering department (hey, you gotta eat), supplies department, technical support department, and of course the production department. And you have to do everything yourself.
And if there is the slightest bit of hiccup in the performance of any of those departments, it is likely to cause a domino effect across all other departments, and that's no good. You want everything to operate smoothly and efficiently across the board, but hiccups are always going to happen, some worse than others. The faster you resolve any such hiccups, the better the engine [that is your entire existence] runs.
9:00PM now. Will have to spend the evening looking into fast and effective solutions to the issues at hand so I can get back to work tomorrow with a clear head. I'll be able to tighten those pages up as I ink.
#Journal #Work

Christine, a lovely follower based in Canada, asked me to âdraw whoever you wantâ for her commission, as long as the character was female. So I drew up a character I've been dreaming about for a future series (hinted at in Comix Engine #10).
It's such a thrill when you see an inkling of an idea begin to take shape in the real, isn't it?
Molly Crabapple moderated a virtual book talk with Elliot Colla and myself for our peculiar little chapbook WE ARE ALL THINGS. It is now streamable at PrintedMatter.org.

Spring is in full bloom here in Houston. The scent of jasmin brushing against you wherever you walk.
I don't know about you but I for one cannot stand to work in a cluttered space. Off to tidy around the house and dive into a deep clean. Tomorrow, I begin work on the very last scene in THE SOLAR GRID #5. Exciting! đ„
#Journal #Work #Commission

And inks are done (4:30PM).
This marks a bit of a milestone, because come Monday? I transition into my Japan scene that I've been contemplating since at least last year. Excited to finally get to it (and see what the results are)!
Still no rest for the wicked though. Gotta draft tomorrow's newsletter still, and do a couple thumbnail sketches for the commissions I'll be doing over the weekend.
Haven't exercised all week, but come tomorrow I'll work it into my daily routine again.
#Journal #Work #TheSolarGrid #Comix

Two pages, fully penciled by 9:00PM. Not bad considering I started a little late today, at noon. Had I started at 9:00 in the morning, wouldda been done by 6:00.
Early start tomorrow. đ€
I've read a lot of how-to books on comix. Stan Lee and John Buscema's HOW TO DRAW COMICS THE MARVEL WAY my old man got me when I was... maybe 14-15?
Eisner's COMICS AND SEQUENTIAL ART several years later when I was in college, along with McCloud's UNDERSTANDING COMICS, and probably a bunch of reads along the way. All very good books that deal with the craft of making comix, but I've read nothingâabsolutely nothingâon what it takes to actually bring a comicbook out into the world.
Enter Dave Sim's CEREBUS GUIDE TO SELF-PUBLISHING which I only scored a handful of days ago. It's full of gems! Take this bit on time management for example:
âThere are things on any given page that you know how to do, and there are things you don't know how to do. You have to do the things you know how to do smoothly and efficiently to buy yourself enough time to solve the problem you don't yet know how to solve.â
And then later:
âOnce you have done everything on a page that you know how to do, the parts you don't know how to do become a surrounded enemy.â
It's an odd psychological trick that really does save you a shit ton of time. Oh the number of pages I'd attempted to solve the difficult parts on first, pages that would take up an entire week to finish. Stupid, stupid.
#Journal #Work #Comix #MakingComix #TheSolarGrid

Y'know how there's a story-writing rule about making sure that by the end of your story, your characters have gone through big dramatic change from where they were at the beginning of the story?
Yeah, I'm kind of applying that rule to every single page of the graphic novel now. Whereas before... I could have an entire page showing a character running. Multiple panels of a character running, and that is it (page 22, I believe?). Mind you, that particular page I'm shaming is a beautiful-looking page, but if I could have a do-over, I'd probably at the very least show the character run from a significant point A to a significant point B. I s'pose that's part of why I ended up with 38+ page chapters!
Chapter 5 will likely be my shortest chapter thus far, no more than 20-22 pages, even though it covers a lot (i.e. Earth, the Moon, and Mars! đ€Ż).
What a very long, extensive learning experience this has been (But that's good. If there isn't a degree of learning experience in any project I undertake, I'm not so sure it's worth it).
2:15PM, and I've only finished rough pencils on a single page. Late start today. Will move onto the second before tightening up pencils on both. Should be plenty of time.
#Journal #Work #comix #TheSolarGrid

Noticing my style is becoming a lot more fluid and whimsical, a direct function of operating at speed as well as a change of inking tool (Loew-Cornell #2 brush series 795 Round instead of nibs and/or Staedler Liners).
I'm enjoying what I'm seeing. In a couple pages time though, I switch to a combination of both brush and nib (just as the current scene wraps up, and I move onto the nextâwhich takes place in a different time and place and so calls for a switch in style).
All of these style switches will without a doubt come to inform my âusualâ style, so I'm happy to work a little whimsy in there.
I'm also very happy to be getting faster.
To quote Dave Sim: âFirst you get good, then you get fast, then you get good and fast.â
Didn't get around to finishing pencils on that second page yesterday, so moved it over to today in addition to inking both of them.
Tomorrow I start pencils on two new ones, inks on Friday.
Opened commission requests which I'll work on over the weekends. This is something I'd been reluctant to do in the past tbh, worried that someone might want me to draw the fucking Batman, but the requests I've been getting so far have been pretty cool actually. One such request included âyour favorite William Gibson protagonistâ for example. đ
(Granted, if someone really wants me to draw the fucking Batman, I'll draw the fucking Batman.)
#Journal #Work #Comix

Finally got me a copy! Surprisingly hard to come by, this one.
Slower day today. Barely finished penciling one page and it's already 4:00PM. Will try to knock out the second. Not a lot of detail on these two, but the layout is a bit tricky and it took me a minute to make sure they'd have the right reading flow.