My apartment in Houston was a fucking hydra. Despite my hyper-organizational tendencies, clearing it out was a herculean task. I thought myself to be a minimalist but the process of clearing my place out proved otherwise. Hoping to approach my new digs a little differently.
Arrived in Cairo a few days ago with only 3 bags and a folding bike. Anticipated settling into my place here would be a speedy affair. Despite the absence of a kitchen, figured I could settle right in with just a bed and drafting table, but even acquiring those two things is taking longer than I've become accustomed to. Bed needs a full week for delivery, and the table around 3-4 days. Water heater needs to be installed too (It's cold here! Especially in the evenings and early mornings), and I have to coordinate with the licensed company which will send a technician all the way from Alexandria! Still need to look into getting internet installed. Today I had to change the phone number associated with my bank account. Not allowed to manually change it myself and couldn't get it done by phone either; had to physically visit the bank, get a number and wait my turn to tell the customer service employee to change my number for me, a process which involved him filling out a form and getting it stamped from two different managers. Doesn't go into effect until tomorrow, after which I can use the local apps to make electronic transfers, and pay my mobile bill by phone, or, or. Soooooo slow, which is very much at odds with the pace of construction and development across the city, which is just mind boggling. Not much has changed in any US city really over the past decade, but Cairo? It's ballooned to something like four times what was already a ginormous size, and everything that's supposedly new is already very much lived in and seamlessly integrated into the city's fabric.
I just want to get to work already though. All I need is a bed, table, hot water, and an internet connection. Shouldn't be too, too long to get these all in place. 😩