G A N Z E E R . T O D A Y


I fully intended to blog while on the road, but the way days unfolded kept me from even touching my laptop, which I must admit was a most welcomed change.

I may post a few travel pix over the next couple days, but for a few shots of the exhibition at the Palazzo del Fumetto on ganzeer.com. Not the best pix, as I neglected to bring my good camera and shot all these with my phone.

#journal #work #exhibition

It is my understanding that I have some work showing in London right now.

What: Hudood – Rethinking Boundaries Where: SOAS Gallery When: 11 July to 21 September, 2024

A catalog is available for download.

#work #exhibition

Forthcoming in September, a comix exhibition in Italy:

”'Their gazes,' writes co-curator Alessio Trabacchini, 'render a multifaceted world, sometimes in dense ink marks, sometimes among fibers of ancient textiles, sometimes in the bright colors of the digital age. Reality and imagination intertwine with memories of troubled pasts and visions of dystopian futures, dreams of broken freedom, nightmares and desires.'”

Curators Alessio Trabacchini and Luce Lacquaniti handpicked a few comix-makers who hail from the Arabic-speaking Mediterranean to represent in this travelling exhibition.

”'This exhibition,' adds Luce Lacquaniti translator from Arabic and co-curator, 'Gives an account of the latest developments, brings together young women artists who, in many cases, are coming to Italy for the first time. Their stories cross more than one border, artistic and geographic, and take their cues from both the Tunisian, Egyptian and Lebanese coasts, and from overseas through artists of the Arab diaspora in the U.S., to land in Jesi, the birthplace of Frederick II, the protagonist of the exchange between the two shores of the Mediterranean to rewrite and redraw together a history of multiple, free and reciprocal crossings.'”

Humbled to be among the list of incredible artists; Deena Mohamed, Tracy Chahwan, Twins Cartoon, and Issam Smiri. No plans to be making a physical appearance in Italy, except potentially in December. Deets forthcoming on that front.

Full press release is here.

#work #exhibition #italy #comix