Finished my 2 pages worth of inking at 11:30AM today!
Waking up at 5:00AM does have its perks. Been working from 6:00AM with only one half hour break for breakfast and coffee-brewing. Just got my shower in, and will whip up a little lunch and read me some comix before getting on with the second half of the work day: art things in the garage studio, packing orders, and a bit of writing.
Also doing a Zoom discussion with Elliot Colla and Molly Crabapple later today. About WE ARE ALL THINGS for Printed Matter's website.
Inbox at 44, which I should also get to, maybe tomorrow.
I could also do with a haircut.

#Journal #Work #comix #TheSolarGrid

Oh the things you find in olden comix :–|
Yet, I can't look away. The rabbit hole that is ComicBookPlus has sucked me into its darkest bowels and is giving me terribly sinister ideas 😈.
Noon, and I haven't drawn any pages yet. Jotting down ideas in a notebook this morning. Zoom interview with the Getty Museum in a bit, after which it's back to the drawing board.
Inbox at 15, mostly notifications. Been a while since I last laid eyes on new human faces.
#Journal #Comix
8:20PM, still awake. Attempting to wind down with some of the wife's “pregnancy tea” (it's fine, it's just raspberry and spearmint and other herbal notes). Immersing myself hard in the comix zone. When I'm not drawing pages, I'm either reading comix or reading about comix.

These I printed and assembled from TCJ.com, an immense resource. It's an old habit I picked up way back in my teens, when the only quality reading material on comix-making could only be found online. It was very hard to get books then, at least for me anyway. And even with the abundance of books available today, I think the really good shit is really just the modest crumbs sprinkled throughout the crevices of the internet.
Regarding the reading material pictured above, it may be awfully historic, but there's still lots to draw from even in the wildly different landscape of today.
#journal #comix

When I started to fall asleep at 9:00PM last night, I thought to myself: okay great, my body's finally going to make up for lost sleep from the nights prior.
Nope, by 12:00AM I was wide awake. It is 2:00PM now and I have yet to crash.
I think my body's just training itself to deal with the first few weeks of impending fatherhood?
On the upside, finished a page and it's only 2 o'clock, so plenty of time to get started on (and finish) the next.
#journal #work #comix #TheSolarGrid