G A N Z E E R . T O D A Y


Tell me this hasn't been “The Mood” for the past four some months at least?

I gotta admit, feeling pretty good about how these pages are turning out, not so good about my pace though. But I did manage to put the newsletter out last night, and a new review went up on ganzeer.reviews, so that's nice.

Inbox at 25. Will blow through those as quick as I can over coffee before breakfast, shower and some tidying up before a video interview thing. Unlikely that I'll get around to working on my pages before 3pm.


#Journal #Comix #TheSolarGrid

Insomnia hit yesterday instead of the weekend, so I found myself up till 3:30 AM. Not working exactly. Given that I typically start my day at around 7:00-8:00AM, I can seldom function past the 2:00AM threshold, but my mind is still abuzz and much thinking tends to occur.

Woke today at 7:00AM and have been a zombie since, despite the 4 cups of coffee I've downed. Still getting some penciling done, but it is a slow drifting affair. Not full pages or anything, just bits and pieces of additional material that need to make their way into the chapter. It may only be a mere 20 pages, but it's a dense bastard, with some pages including 3-pages worth of material in them.

I suppose that doesn't make a whole lot of sense, unless you see the sneak peek I posted a couple days ago.

#Journal #Work #Comix #TheSolarGrid

There's probably room for a regular anthology called KRACKLE collecting an assortment of comix that include panels utilizing the “Kirby Krackle”. Getting the rights to all the comix that would go in it though would probably be a nightmare.

Inbox has climbed up to 90, and this cursed chapter is turning into an eternal pandora's box.

#Work #comix #TheSolarGrid

Good morning. Off to pencil and ink 3-5 pages worth of additional material for a chapter I thought I'd have finished by yesterday already.

Energizing music and podcast recommendations very much welcome.

#journal #work #comix #TheSolarGrid

I think it's fair to objectively state that THE SOLAR GRID is experimental comix. Not because it's what I set out to do as much as formal experimentation is one of the things I just really get a kick out of. But even still, I'm also accustomed to doing just the right thing for the task at hand (or so I think), so all the storytelling choices I make—however unconventional they may seem—are devised specifically in service of the story, and not just because they'll “look cool”. It just so happens that the story I came up demands a lot of creative solutions. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Although the limits of pictorial storytelling are amply pushed throughout chapters 1 to 4, I think chapter 5 (teased above) is shaping up to be my most experimental comix to date.

I think I mentioned how little I enjoy the process of digital-coloring, but today has been a joy. Likely aided by my glass of La Fin Du Monde and the beats of LCD Soundsystem (Losing My Edge is very much speaking to my soul these days.)

#Journal #Work #Comix #TheSolarGrid

Notice anything wrong with this page?

Bottom tier. Second panel from the left.

Missing. His. Fucking. Shoulder. Bag.

It is for this reason that the making of comix should be reserved only for the young. And also why having an editor is a good idea.

FML, back to the drawing board.

(Actually, I just noticed another missing thing from panel 1. FML x 1000.)

#journal #work #comix #TheSolarGrid

And that's a wrap for Chapter 5!! Well, almost. Finally done with color separation sheets (12-hour work day today!), now to apply noted colors in Photoshop, followed by lettering.

It feels like I shout “it's a wrap” 3-4 times in the process of creating these chapters.

Sometimes the only reason I want THE SOLAR GRID to do well is so I can afford to bring outside inkers/colorists/letterers on board, that's all.

#Journal #Work #TheSolarGrid #Comix

6:00AM start today. Have color separation sheets for two more pages (typically about 6 sheets per page), and gray/halftone-sheets for four.

Hoping to finish them all today, before getting started on a page for an anthology-like book tomorrow.

No music or podcasts necessary, it's raining outside.

#Journal #Work #Comix #TheSolarGrid

Redrawing a few panels that need redrawing. I hate backtracking, but certain things are just gonna haunt you too much. I think I'm pretty good at letting go and moving on most of the time. You have to pick and choose your “battles”, and it's like that everyday, regardless of what the task at hand is.

Generally speaking, when it comes to comix, I'm a big believer in the overall page being far more important than each individual panel, because it is the overall page that is “the piece” really. It's okay for there to be a panel on that page that won't blow the viewers' eyeballs out of their skulls, just so long as it doesn't ruin the overall page for you. And it can take looking at a thing more than once to know if it's worth redoing.

Too much time lost today figuring out some technical video/sound stuff. Have it down now, so might get to shooting some video content already. Maybe next week.

#Journal #Work #Comix #TheSolarGrid

This sort of thing definitely lends itself more to video than a blog post, and I was planning on doing this as a video but my mic was picking up all matter of sound from several blocks away; lawnmowers, blending machines, and very loud birds (Houston is, after all, kind of tropical). So I figured I'd just make do with a blog post for now.

Anybody who knows me knows that I am a fan of both comix and science fiction, so a magazine that brings both together really makes absolute sense to me. I find myself a little frustrated at the tendency for these “scenes” to exist completely separate from one another, siloed off in their own echo chambers when of course there's an overlap, and it's an overlap that ought to be expanded even, at least in my mind.

So it was with great surprise that I came across this 1975 magazine that sought to bring both worlds together, a magazine put out by Marvel Comics of all people! It's a pretty good effort, with each issue running original material as well as adaptations of works by giants in the science fiction field (Harlan Ellison! Frank Herbert! Robert Silverberg!). All self-contained shorts, with only the occasional one running across multiple issues.

Let's take a closer look at issue no. 2, the earliest issue in my possession.

Formidable painted cover by Mike Kaluta featuring a number of soldiers together with an android raising an alternate American flag on a rock that may or may not be in space?

The editorial by Roy Thomas within sheds a bit of light on the cover art's development.

In his own words: > “Seems Michael walked into the office one day and told me he'd like to do a robot painting for a cover of UNKNOWN WORLDS OF SCIENCE FICTION. Well, ordinarily, covers which feature robots are not exactly noted for selling copies either of comic books or of magazines (and, as Gerry Conway astutely pointed out, how many robots have you seen even on paperback covers in recent years?).”

Completely bizarre blanket statement for anyone to make. Especially bizarre given that they're coming not from the suits, not from the “executive” types, but from the supposedly creative people. Imagine if that kind of mentality had persisted to this very day? We'd never have ended up with works like WALL-E or, I dunno, TRANSFORMERS?

(As an aside, I really long for the day when marketing people stop telling artists what to make based on saleability and would instead just take whatever artists make and then figure out how to sell them. That is after what their job entails: selling stuff, not inventing them.)

“Still I'd had this idea floating around in the back in my head for a long time—a view of the Iwo Jima flag-raising scene, only taking place on the moon instead of on earth, and with a robot in place of John Wayne. Couldn't shake the image—so I gave Mike the go-ahead.

“Gradually, as you can tell, the scene as Mike saw it became more like earth and less like the moon (although we added the Big Blue Marble and a certain nameless ringed planet in the background, just to let everybody know this is a science fiction mag, not the latest issue of War Monthly).”

Another odd statement from Roy. As if a science fiction scene couldn't possibly be set on Earth?

What's most bizarre actually is that there is in fact a short comic in the magazine titled WAR TOY that does in fact depict a flag raising scene involving a robot that takes place on Earth!

So it's not like Roy really believed that science fiction could only involve off-world stuff. If that were the case, WAR TOY(and others really) wouldn't have made it into the magazine. Such odd contradictions and senseless decision-making.

Anyway, Roy's peculiar editorial aside, the issue is actually pretty good! There's an awesome framing device they use which I just love; a prologue and an epilogue involving a substance called “Slow Glass”, which as the name suggests is a kind of glass that traps light for much longer than traditional glass, resulting in the capturing and preserving of events long after they've occurred. If a piece of Slow Glass was present where something major might've happened, and you were to get ahold of that Slow Glass, you could essentially “watch” the events unfold inside the glass. Pretty neat idea if you ask me, credited in the magazine to Bob Shaw.

In this issue's prologue the exclusive distributor of Slow Glass, a Mr. Sandson Tyme (cheesy, I know, but you gotta love it!) is making a house visit. Mr. Wilder lives on the 27th floor in a hideously lavish palace of an apartment, and for reasons not entirely clear yet he is very distressed and in severe need of a... “diversion”. A distraction from his thoughts, hence Sandson's Slow Glass.

Notice how that ingenious panel layout gives the impression of almost falling into the story captured within the Slow Glass (scripted by Tony Isabella with art by Frank Brunner and Klaus Janson).

The first story is WAR TOY written also by Tony Isabella with Art by George Perez and Rico Rival. I gotta say, not only is it refreshing to see George Perez art in black and white, but it's also great to see him knock out non-superhero stuff. The story by Isabella doesn't go deep into the philosophical questions about artificial consciousness that are kind of typical of robot stories (although it does slightly touch upon it, I guess), it's more of a morality tale. A story of “bad karma” once society screws the robot over essentially.

It is then followed by an interview with Alfred Bester conducted by Denny O'Neil! (who is very much associated with Marvel's competition, DC Comics, and is kind of odd to see him in what is primarily a Marvel vehicle). Bester of course is most famously known for science fiction novels such as THE DEMOLISHED MAN and THE STARS MY DESTINATION, which may give him more cache than Denny O'Neil, but y'know... even based solely on this interview, this is a situation where the interviewer strikes me as far more interesting than the interviewee.

The interview is cut short (continued at the very end of the magazine, not sure why olden publications did this), and followed by a one-page installment of GULLY FOYLE, an Australian adaptation by Stanley Pitt of Bester's THE STARS MY DESTINATION. Too faithful an adaptation if you ask me, resulting in panels that are obtrusively wordy. The artwork however? Quite phenomenal. Brilliant grasp of light and shadow, and some mark-making there that I've never quite seen anywhere else.

Denny O'Neil together with Frank Robbins and Jim Mooney deliver another Bester adaptation in this edition, titled ADAM... AND NO EVE, another kind of morality tale that's rather reminiscent of the EC stuff, both visually as well as conceptually.

Of course you might've noticed that Marvel branding is completely absent from the cover. The only clues to this being a Marvel vehicle lies in the indicia (“published by Management Magazine Co. Inc.” which owned Marvel at the time) and the ads, many of which are house ads. Why the the distributor's logo is on the cover, I'm not entirely sure. Makes me wonder if this was a “packaging job”; whereby Curtis hired Marvel (or Magazine Management Co.) to produce the magazine for them. 🤷

Generally speaking, Marvel's output has always been affected by the business model of its parent company. When owned by a “magazine management company” it leaned heavy on putting out magazines, including some containing material it did not own. When bought up by a toy company, it became more of an IP farm for characters that could potentially make great toys. As a subsidiary of Disney, it serves also as an IP farm, but with a bit more concern for the cheap development of all-ages blockbuster storylines that can be adapted to the screen, big and small.

Don Thompson writes an article in the magazine, about how the Hugo awards came to be, essentially a direct result of the growth of fandom.

There's a pretty interesting short written and drawn by Bruce Jones, with typeset letters.

Interestingly enough, none of the comix are lettered by anyone other than the artist. Not odd for comix in most places, but far from common in the American industry, especially anything that came out of Marvel.

Jones' 8-pager involves a guy with a captured specimen, who happens to be a woman, on a spaceship. She attempts to seduce him throughout the strip, much to his resistance, until he can't take it anymore and releases her from her cell. At which point, he drops his “thought screen” and his true nature is revealed...

Jones' SPECIMEN is then followed by THE DAY OF THE TRIFFIDS, a 20-page(!) installment continued from the previous issue, an adaptation by Gerry Conway and Rico Rival of a John Wyndham novel. I gotta say, Rico Rival (who assisted George Perez on WAR TOY) provides the most cinematic visuals in the entire magazine. Fantastic compositions and gorgeously fluid line-art. I'm really taken aback by my not having heard of him before. Will have to seek out what else he's done. The story is a little oldschool, but Conway and Rico do a commendable job at delivering it, before transitioning to the “Slow Glass” epilogue by Isabella, Brunner, and Janson that closes the issue.

Where it is revealed that the agitated Mr. Wilder killed his wife for fear of her cheating on him. But not before he captured her perfect likeness in a large pane of Slow Glass he had previously acquired from Sandson Tyme.

Over all, strong issue! My favorite is definitely the framing device, and the original comix more so than the adaptations. The particular interview and essay in this issue weren't particularly groundbreaking pieces of writing, but as a concept... to have a magazine that would include all that stuff is in itself refreshing. UNKNOWN WORLDS OF SCIENCE FICTION was short lived with only 6 issues ever published, but I think there's value in reexamining it, looking at what it did right and what it may have done wrong, rather than overlook the entire thing and toss the baby out with the baby water so to speak.

Reasons for its demise could be numerous: – Excessively faithful adaptations that leaned towards the very verbose. – The once every two months release schedule might've been too wide a gap. – Too many Marvel-centric ads and not enough science-fiction-related product placement? – The title? After all, UNKNOWN WORLDS OF SCIENCE FICTION comes off as a little too mid-century. This was 1975, at which point there already existed things like DANGEROUS VISIONS and METAL HURLANT (“Screaming Metal”). An edgier title could've done wonders! – Cover Art: The painted covers are beautiful! But (and this is a big but), they are awfully generic, aren't they? Definitely hearkening back to 1950's ideas of science fiction. But by 1975 people like Bob Pepper, Wojtek Siudmak, and Philippe Caza were already injecting science fiction paperbacks with cerebral visuals that were outright weird, surreal, and trippy!

Who knows? The reasons for cancellation may even have nothing at all to do with the content. But whatever the case, it's an interesting look at a bit of lost history, a look at what could've been.

And nothing ever goes to waste. It's entirely possible that somewhere in this carcass is a seed for better, more glorious things to come.

#Journal #Comix #Reads