G A N Z E E R . T O D A Y


I was planning on getting a tattoo last week. The appointment was set for Tuesday, but the artist and I both thought it would be better to postpone given everything that was going on.

I don't scare easily, nor do I panic (I have after all lived through things like revolution, civilian policing, military curfew, and relentless dictatorship—not to mention being separated from friends and family for a good 6 years now), but I wasn't about to have my skin poked at with needles in the middle of a mass pandemic. This isn't paranoia, it's just rationality; I can live without a tattoo, it's cool.

Managing Expectations

From what I'm seeing, it still seems like there are an awful lot of people who assume we're looking at a 2-week high alert situation before things go back to “normal” (thanks in no small part to misleading addresses from the White House). But I think it's fair to say that it's very clear we're in this for the long haul. The Washington Post noted that “It took three months to reach 100,000 Coronavirus cases worldwide. The second 100,000 took 12 days.”

This thing is sneaky as fuck and really knows how to spread. Out of 285,772 cases so far 11,876 have died. That is a 4.1% death rate (it should be noted though that the rate differs widely per country; 0.97% in South Korea, for example, versus 7.94% in Italy). The estimate right now is that Coronavirus will infect half the global population. What that means is we can expect over 338 million deaths worldwide, at what seems like an unprecedented rate (unless of course strict “social distancing” measures are put in place and kept in practice for the foreseeable future).

There's very little we can do about this unless a vaccine is developed, and it is close to impossible for such a vaccine to be made available before 18 months, if even.

Adapt or Die

What that means is that we are going to have to adapt the way we live to a situation where a deadly very contagious virus is among us. Not for the coming two weeks, but for the coming years. I briefly touched upon the notion of superusers in my recent newsletter, in that there are superusers for everything. Our species may not have dealt with anything like this, not since the Black Death (a combination of both bubonic and pneumonic plagues) and the Spanish Flu, but among us walks a very specific segment of society comprised of superusers of life-with-substantial-threat-of-viral-infection, and it is from them we may need to learn a thing or two. Mark Schoofs for Buzzfeed: How to Survive Yet Another Plague – I Lived Through The Aids Epidemic. Here's How To Live Through Coronavirus. Very poignant, very important read.

One of the biggest takeaways from Mark's essay is the realization that this isn't something you can just wait out, nor is it something you can rely on the government to solve for you. This is something that we, the potential carriers (which in this particular case is every single human being on the planet, regardless of habits or lifestyle) will have to adapt to. Essentially, we all need to wear condoms on our hands and faces now.

We also need to constantly disinfect surfaces, wash hands regularly, limit physical interaction with one another as much as possible. This, many of us already know, because it's all we've been getting from various media for the past couple of weeks, isn't it?

Yet, I've seen an awful lot of people not entirely complying. And I'm not talking about the deniers and disbelievers, I'm talking about the ones who think it's enough to wipe their shopping cart handles at the supermarket, while continuing to share breathing space without need for gloves or face-masks (also, postal workers—at least here in Houston—were not provided with either). I should note that I'm anything but a germaphobe. I've eaten off of street carts in Cairo and Hanoi, am used to greeting friends with hugs and kisses, have never shied away from liberally sharing drinking straws, and have never purchased a bottle of hand-sanitizer not once in my life. However, A VERY DEADLY AND VERY CONTAGIOUS VIRUS LIVES AMONG US NOW! Out of love and compassion for other human lives, taking necessary precautions shouldn't even be optional. It's a necessity. It's clear that not enough people fully understand how Coronavirus works. And even many who do seem to think that properly dealing with it only requires temporary measures.

While I understand the need for people to believe that for the benefit of one's own comfort and sanity, but that's only if you're frightened by the notion of adaptability, of needing to make lifestyle changes in order to adapt to a new reality. We, as a species, do it all the time though! We've even done it within our own lifetime(s) (it should be as clear as day to anyone above thirty). That is a reassuring thought, isn't it? We're good at adapting. We can do this. The difference this time is that the changes we make are going to have to be relatively drastic and enacted at unprecedented speed.

Luckily, it's almost as if we've been working towards this moment for a very long time now; we have the technology to move many of our interactions to the virtual realm, we can have almost anything we need delivered to our doorsteps, and much of our cultural entertainment is already streamable.

The New Normal of the Future

If a vaccine cannot be developed in less than 18 months, then we must envision how life under Coronavirus can be sustained for at least 18 months (if not more). We then must also envision the ripple effects those 18 months will have on the culture at large beyond those 18 months, likely for the entire decade that is the 2020s.

The New Workplace

Home will be the new workplace for most people. A trajectory we were heading towards anyway. Co-working spaces? Definitely done for. Certain jobs that are simply impossible to get done remotely will require specific protective gear, utilizing knowhow gained from industries that deal in hazardous matter.

The New Public Gathering

Maintaining a two-meter distance will likely become the new norm, but only in open spaces. You can forget about public gatherings in closed spaces, which will make theaters, restaurants and cafes as we know them completely obsolete. We'll instead see a proliferation of takeout-based establishments, and maybe even a return of the German-style Automat (which has already made a soft comeback in San Francisco anyway). Establishments designed to accommodate sit-in patrons will have to be entirely rethought with necessary social distancing and sanitation in mind; a very low cap on the number of patrons within, fewer tables, and perhaps a proliferation of booth-style seating. Bartenders, baristas, and cooks will all be required to wear the necessary protective gear.

The New Workforce

Protective gear will be required by all on-site jobs that need to be performed by humans. Anything that needn't be performed by human beings simply will not. We've already witnessed the birth of the RoboVac, the occasional Robot Bartender, and smart warehouses. We can expect an acceleration in the development of robotics and a severe reduction in jobs performed by humans. These will be welcomed by the general public because it will no longer be a matter of maximizing corporate profit and instead be a matter of preserving human life.

The New Travel

We've experienced a good century of unprecedented human travel. This will probably slow down and travel will only be on a need-be basis for most people (which wouldn't be so bad for the environment). On the short run, airlines may start giving passengers mandatory gloves and face-masks. If however it is proven that that is not enough to keep Coronavirus from spreading between people in tight closed spaces, airplanes will likely be retrofitted with private cabins. This of course will make air-travel very expensive and reserved solely for the elite. Given that boats can accommodate more private quarters (not to mention actual fresh air), we may see a serge in sea travel for non-business related purposes. With most people working remotely anyway, this really shouldn't interfere with employees' limited time off. If you can do the job from home, you can arguably do it on a wi-fi equipped cruise ship.

The New Socioculture

Cultural habits can differ from one place to another, but sometimes a trait from one culture can spill over and take root in another. Casual handshakes, hugs, and kisses will be no more. Enter the Japanese bow. It may first start with a nod, but time may prove the nod too casual a gesture in front of a senior or someone worthy of a bit more respect.

Also, promiscuity? Too risky. We've lived a good era of relative free-love, bar pickups, sex clubs, and random Tinder hookups—but we can expect sexual relations to take a turn to the very conservative. This has all happened before; some people forget that before the “Swinging Sixties”, there were the “Roaring Twenties”. The three decades in-between? Quite conservative. The Eighties also saw a return to conservatism. Such sexually conservative cycles almost always coincide with the spread of infectious disease.

The New Art & Culture

Aside from the importance of healthcare funding, Coronavirus has also reaffirmed the importance of culture. With the majority of us forced to stay home, we're quickly realizing the importance of film, television, music, and books as psychologically necessary comforts. This decade should see an uptick in affordable and easily accessible cultural output. Much of it may be virtual/streamable (even museum exhibitions), but too much of the untouchable may see a renewed appreciation for tactile things; subscription-based publications and other printed matter that utilize textured papers and a mixture of printing techniques may be on the upswing.

The New Tech

Given that the touching of surfaces is proving to be potentially lethal, all new tech in the coming decade will be optimized for contactless usability. Voice commands and hand gestures (powered by bluetooth rings) will dominate devices and appliances.

The New Fashion

Masks will become as mainstream as pants. Air-filtering scarves will become a thing, and we may even see shirts designed with mouth covering parts that you can just pull up when necessary (think of it as an evolved turtleneck). Gloves will definitely make a fashionable comeback. Tattooing will be seen as an easy harbor of disease and quickly lose the mainstream acceptance it has gained over the past three decades.

The New Food Supply

All viruses come from animals. Some viruses that cause the flu come from birds and pigs. HIV AIDS from chimpanzees. COVID-19? Evidence suggests it may have went from a bat to pangolin before making the jump to a human. It is that jump that results in the kind of hybrid-viruses that are particularly destructive to human immune systems (The 1918 Spanish Flu is thought to be a mix of avian and swine flus).

Thing is though that bats and pangolins don't traditionally mix in nature. It is human interference that brought both species together in a marketplace in Wuhan, China, where a large variety of live animals are kept in tight cages within close proximity to one another; the very same conditions that led to the SARS outbreak of 2003, where a Civet Cat is thought to be the culprit (or one of a combination of culprits).

(It should be noted though that if you caught SARS, symptoms would show very quickly. COVID-19 symptoms may not reveal themselves for a full 15 days [if at all], during which the carrier could very easily and unknowingly infect others. It's basically a more clever SARS.)

Essentially, nature has sent us the warning signs time and time again, but we seem insistent on carrying on “business as usual”. Westerners inclined to jump on racist bandwagons without ever questioning their own capitalist practices may put the blame entirely on another culture, but really animal cruelty is at the heart of these viral outbreaks be it Eastern or Western. It is not enough to ban wet markets in China, nor is it enough to ban wildlife trade. No animal should ever be caged, nor should their habitats be destroyed, nor should they ever be forced to mix with other species they wouldn't naturally mix with. All of that should be strictly criminalized.

We will likely see a rise in veganism, and those who cannot give up their carnivorous ways may be inclined to say goodbye to supermarkets and mass-produced meats and instead source their foods from small local farms they know and trust.

In order to adapt, big brands may start shutting down their industrial facilities and outsourcing their production to small farms instead.

Or, they may instead transform their big industrial facilities into megalabs where meat is grown instead of raised. These will be touted as more hygienic, environmentally-safe, and cruelty-free.

The New Urbanism

The rising public-transit movement will die, and preference for the private automobile will be the only thing that makes sense. Suburbs and gated developments will make a comeback as idealic living bubbles, and cities and downtowns will lose both funding and investment, relegating them as dirty, dangerous, and derelict. A new wave of “white flight” will result in a kind of reverse-gentrification, making city centers affordable to struggling classes again. The discernible diversity of city centers combined with the lethal threat cities harbor as viral cesspools will rekindle false notions in the minds of Whites regarding race and disease; and in turn an acute revival of white supremacy in the mainstream.

The New Globalism

One person's actions on one side of the planet can effect everything and everyone on the rest of the planet. From public health to politics to entire economies. The outbreak of COVID-19 has been made this more clear than ever. As such a new kind of Globalism will take root wherein the world must function as a global village, with laws, regulations, and the systems by which our lives operate being designed with the entire globe in mind. Paradoxically, human interaction is now potentially lethal, so households and human relations more generally will be forced to become increasingly atomized and super-local.

The New Cultural Divide

During the Plague, Europeans blamed the “miasma” carried forth by winds coming in from the East and South (Ottoman lands basically). When an 18th century American missionary stationed in Egypt witnessed Cairo's 1781 plague, he concluded that it was brought in by a Jewish merchant and two black female slaves. The spread of disease on a wide scale has always brought about the racist leanings already harbored by human beings. With the outbreak of Coronavirus and one marketplace in China being pointed to as the source, we can expect the emergence (or reemergence rather) of a great cultural divide between the greater East and overall West. Everything “Eastern” (because racism isn't logical) will be seen by a greater number of Westerners as wholly inferior, the once growing interest in Eastern cuisine, books, and cinema will come to a sudden halt (while paradoxically picking up other traits out of necessity; the Japanese bow, bamboo-made disposables, and an obsession with robots for example).

The New Frontier

More interest and funding will be put towards finding and developing a new human habitat away from Earth, be it on Mars or elsewhere; a “Plan(et) B” where the human race (or a particular segment of the human race rather) may live and prosper far from the hundreds of thousands of viruses on Earth threatening to kill us at any moment.

Some say human evolution is cyclical rather than linear. After all, the glory of the Roman empire was followed by the European dark ages. By the time Europeans made it to the Americas, entire Mayan cities had already been abandoned for centuries.

I wonder if human evolution is a combination of both cyclical and linear trajectories though. Given that our very planet revolves around its own access, as well as around the sun which itself moves in an eclipse within the milky way, which itself speeds through the universe... why should human existence be any different?

#Journal #Covid19 #Future

Well well well, would you look what I just found in my story journal?!

It may be time to revisit this very loose idea and flesh it out into a jolly little short.

#journal #work #story

One lousy virus and eveeeerything collapses. Everything. Not a single thing is capable of functioning as it used to. And if that's not a clear sign that the hyper capitalist systems upon which our entire existence hinged on were just rotten from the get go, I'm not sure what is.

I know a lot of people just want to “wait this thing out” and hope that we can just resume life exactly the way it was before, but personally... I really don't. I hope we learn a little something from this and start doing things a little differently from here on out.

But who am I kidding?

As I type this, even my goddamn internet service is failing (I turned my phone into a hotspot though).

(Not my internet alone apparently. Customer service rep told me there seems to be a problem in my entire neighborhood that they're not entirely sure how to fix. Actually.)

I mean, I can do self-quarantine for as long as need be without going stir crazy just fine. But that, dear reader, is with an internet connection. Without one? There goes my television, my music, my RSS feeds...

Which is fiiiine. I do have a bunch of books that need reading.

And I have much drawing to do.

I'll just... I'll just do those things.

And I do have records to listen to. Like five of them. I can.. I can work with that. 🙃


Praise all Gods, the imaginary and fictitious.

Both inboxes are at a reassuring zero. And, my workspaces are fully organized and ready to receive me and my [work] load head on.

Shall we take a little tour?

Let's start with the office:

The Office

The chair at the far end near the window? That's where I sit. Not to do any drawing (that's reserved for the drafting table in the foreground to your left), but to do all the other things; email, graphic design, writing, etc. You'll notice a narrow draw/erase board for weekly to-dos, right above a magnetic strip where I put up important future dates to keep in mind (deadlines, scheduled talks, travel, etc.).

When it's time to draw, I drag the chair to the drafting table, where nothing is in front of me but the drawing at hand:

Dafting Table

Focus is the name of the game. You'll notice a small rolling side table to the left. Typically, that's where I place only the tools I need for any given drawing, most of which are now placed on the shelf above the drafting table. What is on the table now is a small stack of some recently finished pages. I may have to find another place for those (Perhaps add a bottom shelf to the rolling table? Right above the wheels?).

You'll also notice a small magnetic strip above the drawing table, where I keep a few other tools I need to reach every now and again (sharpeners, nibs, erasers). And of course, the big HELLBOY ARTIST'S EDITION looming over me (Because Mignola is one of the greatest comix storytellers of all time and his work is to be studied for all eternity. I'm also considering getting Steranko's NICK FURY one, but... I oughtta sell a couple paintings first.).

Now you might ask; but Ganzeer? Where do you paint your large canvases and do your other odd artsy things?!?!

I'm glad you asked. It's been a while since I've been able to do that sort of thing with any level of comfort. Now, however, I have this:

Ganzeer's Garage

Welcome to the garage.

You'll see at the far end there's the pegboard and Craftsman thing where I keep a large number of tools pertaining to painting as well as handyman stuff. Next to it are my flatfiles where I keep my printmaking results as well as other works on paper. And above it is where many supplies pertaining to the making of that stuff is kept, as well as packaging and shipping supplies (to fulfill online orders with a degree of efficiency).

The table on wheels is of course very important (it was time to chuck out my trusty orange one, no wheels). The bookshelf is for books and comix and magazines as well as my own files (because frankly, there just ain't any room inside the house). I should also note that my bookshelf is... very full and I cannot under any circumstances acquire any new books without first getting rid of some (which means, I need to read my unread ones very quickly and decide on which ones I'm cool to let go of).

In the extreme foreground, to your left are a number of folding chairs (for myself as well as visitors). A couple boxes filled with used packing stuff that I should just go ahead and toss out. A little trolly there containing numerous painting supplies, and those tall boxes? One of them contains plain canvas, the other contains a half-finished painting I started in New York earlier in the year, and the third contains three paintings on canvas ready to ship out to their new owner.

The clothes rack? That's my makeshift solution to hang work-in-progress paintings and things. Current unfinished project dangling off the thing and jeering at me every time I walk in?

Ramy Essam's Jacket

Denim jacket for Ramy Essam's stage presence. It was once white, and now it's just stained. But soon enough... it will look entirely different. 😈

Future plans include installing a big sink (but... I oughtta sell a few paintings first). Gotta keep them brushes clean and you don't wanna mess up the sinks inside the house.

I quite like that I get to work out of a garage though. When the weather's good, I just roll the door wide open and it's like I'm practically working outside. I've never had a garage before, but that didn't keep me from naming my online store Garage.Ganzeer, which must've been some peculiar form of magical foreshadowing. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

#journal #houston #studio

The air is thick and humid today.

And it is just about starting to rain. Just a drizzle, nothing violent. It'll likely go on like this all day though. Generally speaking, I am not a fan of gray skies. I need to see the sun rise to start my day (standard Egyptian practice), but y'know what? It's warm in Houston; 22 Celsius (that's 71.6 Fahrenheit), so I will very gladly take it.

(Also, the sound of light drizzle is rather soothing.)

Work inbox is at a taunting 11. Personal inbox is at a threatening 349. As an inbox zeroer, this brings me great anguish. Luckily though, personal inbox is mostly filled with unread newsletters and notices (I clearly have no friends), messages I can just click away once I get around to it.

Still working on accounting stuff, which I am several months behind on. Feeling the pressure of the buildup of all the things I have to do once I'm done with that. At which point, there will be the buildup of other future things.

Kind of longing for the day when I no longer have to postpone any of the day's tasks till tomorrow or the day after.

I'll get there. Soon enough, I'll get there.

#Journal #Houston

Hectic times.

Playing catch-up with my accounting in preparation for tax-related paperwork which is absolutely no fun. I'm going to make it a point to get better and more efficient at this sort of thing over the next two years (which shouldn't be too hard given that I did go to business school and all).

It'll take me a few days to wrap up, alongside the assorted house things I need to do (few things to sand and paint, shelves to put up, etc.).

But even with all the non-artistic busyness, I have managed to get a handful of art things done...

That's one of two illustrations for an op-ed for Middle East Eye, which they retitled: The Fate of Egypt is with the People. That along with a number of other edits throughout the piece were all sound choices for journalistic purposes, but I might share my original unedited piece sometime down the line.

Here's the second illustration I did:

It was the first time for me to play around with water-color in many many years, and I must admit I thoroughly enjoyed it. This may be something I do more of in the near future. Maybe maybe combine it with digital in an intentionally juxtaposing way.

I also did a couple of posters for a friend's short films, and the cover art for one of Ramy Essam's forthcoming singles. Although I went in with a pretty solid idea in mind, it was the first time where I needed to do different takes of the same idea before settling on the one. I can't show it just yet, but I'm pretty excited by the results. The DNA of which will dictate the look for several other singles as well as the cover art for the album.

Ah, and WE ARE ALL THINGS now exists in the world.

In personal news, I've gotten into the habit of exercising regularly as well as adopting a keto diet. First week—as most anyone who's tried it will tell you—was rough as fuck, but since then I've never felt better in my life. I cook my own meals every day, and with the aid of an assortment of cookbooks, I have to boast: I've become quite the chef 😁 (I've gotten into the habit of sharing meals on my Instagram stories, btw.).

I've moved twice in the past 7ish months? With one of those moves being across states. Those who have dealt with moving before know that it results in quite a bit of upheaval. And it looks like there may very well be more turbulence in my near future.

But, I do have a feeling (hope) that it'll all be for the better. 🤞

(Also btw, I forgot to report that Ramy Essam and I were on NPR/Pri-The World with Marco Werman back in January.)


Today is a glorious day.

It's not that I've slept till noon, it's that I've lazied around till noon. I can't even remember when I last lazied around till noon. Sometime in my 20's maybe?

It is exactly 12:41 pm right now and I am just about having breakfast; Fuul Medammes, that is... Fava Beans prepared Egyptian style. I cooked up a humongous batch about a week ago (not even halfway through), and its such a great thing to have around, to quickly get a meal in.

One of the great things about Fuul Medammes is that it's very easy to avoid getting bored of, because its flavor profile can drastically change depending on how you spice it. And you spice it only before eating, post-cookage. You essentially just simmer a big batch of beans, sans spice, and have that around, and every time you decide to whip up a bowl, you can spice it quite differently from the next bowl.

Perhaps one day I oughtta make a little zine on all the possible variations of Fuul Medammes, from the most simple to the utmost elaborate.

Before breakfast, armed with my cup of coffee, I put in a large Amazon Fresh order. Two weeks worth of groceries to be precise. It should arrive within the next couple of hours, during which I'll be getting some laundry done, dishes, and some tidying up here and there.

Upon arrival of my groceries, I shall draft a menu of meals for the next couple of weeks, to save my brain juice from being depleted on thinking about food or any other chores for a while.

Because this week, I work 💪

#journal #houston

It wasn't my plan to disappear for a month.

In fact, my plan entailed the exact opposite: fully chronicling the tour with Ramy Essam (which ended up being more of an eye opening experience than I ever could have imagined), followed by the detailed chronicling of getting the newly acquired house (and studio) in order. The latter is something I thought wouldn't need more than two weeks at most.

I've been back in Houston since January 27th, and I shit you not all I've been doing since has been attempting to get the newly acquired house (and studio) in order, and I am still so not there yet.

One more week, I think. One more week and then everything should at least be in just about enough order that I can maintain a level of equilibrium that would allow for getting actual work done and back into a steady stream of online updates (not to mention reading, exercise, socializing, and y'know... life).

By the by, I'll be in New York again next month. March 26th to be precise, for the official launch (and signing) of WE ARE ALL THINGS at Printed Matter (231 11th Avenue, New York, NY 10001) together with Elliott Colla in a discussion moderated by none other than Molly Crabapple.

We Are All Things

The book (or chapbook rather) is available for pre-order right now, by the way, directly from our admirably print-obsessed publishers Radix Media.

The great Seth Tobocman had this to say about it: “We Are All Things is the perfect collaboration between an artist and a writer. Words and pictures combine to show us what cannot be seen and to tell us what must remain unspoken. A tiny room in a contemporary Arab city becomes the gateway to an infinite horizon. The universal experience of desire and loss. A small, but stunning, work of art.”

#journal #houston #nyc #work #publication

We Are + Ganzeer

I realize it's a little ridiculous to wait till the day of an event before announcing it, but I have a very good explanation!

Van Life #VanLife

I've been touring with Ramy Essam and band along the East Coast with very little time left in the day for internetting. My bad, but hey if you just so happen to come across this now and there's still enough time to pop in, come through. We only just arrived in New York last night, and I only just about woke up this very second. I'll be painting live for 5 hours straight, and y'know, it's not a bad idea to get a good dose of shut-eye before pulling that sorta thing.

Ah, and the painting will be followed by a panel discussion!

If you'd like to RSVP, hit this link (while noting that you don't have to RSVP if you'd like to show up, but some folks are more organized than others. ¯_(ツ)_/¯)

#journal #work #nyc #BeyondResistance #WeAre

Writing this from DC where I begin touring with Ramy Essam and his band along the American East Coast. Which sounds a lot more extensive than the four cities it entails (DC, Philly, Pittsburgh, and New York). Here's the poster I designed for it:

Beyond Resistance 2020

I only arrived just last night in time for the first of Ramy's performances, and I've already been asked more than once what my involvement with the tour will be, and well... I'm not quite sure, nor is Ramy quite frankly. But prior to the tour, we had been talking about a lot of visual stuff. Tour posters and merch aside, we've been discussing album art for some of his upcoming releases as well as potential approaches for the making of music videos, and even a bit of fashion. This was all over the phone; What's App calls keeping us connected across continents, me in the States and Ramy in Sweden. He figured his being stateside for tour was probably a good opportunity for us to hang on a day-to-day basis and have the opportunity to discuss and brainstorm things in detail, and I had to agree. On top of that, I'd actually never seen Ramy perform before, not even during the tumultuous times of Tahrir Square some nine years ago—where Ramy first started performing. We were both aware of one another's activities but our paths only ever crossed several years later in New York City, after having both been forced into exile.

I'm not sure enough people—“Western observers” especially—realize the tremendous role played by Ramy, not just back then and not just in Egypt, but even today and from a significant distance no less. Here's one of his songs effectively utilized as a “weapon” on the rebellious front lines of Beirut just last night.

All this to say, it's kind of a no-brainer that Ramy and I would collab. Aside from my tagging along giving us the opportunity to talk lots of shop, I'm also utilizing it to draw inspiration for some of the visual stuff. I'm not sure how that will transpire exactly, but for now I'm enjoying getting a first hand look not just at the performances themselves, but all the lead-up stuff backstage as well as the wind-down that follows.

I'm also enjoying taking the occasional photograph.

The calm before the storm.

Rocking out the foyer of the Kennedy Center

It should be noted that last night's concert took place at the Kennedy Center, which is practically the United States most official performance venue in existence. To have Ramy and his band rock out at the Kennedy Center's foyer (non-ticketed, unavoidable to anyone walking to and from any other performance taking place in the building), shaking the walls and columns with Arabic rebel music is pretty fucking badass. Love that they opened with “Age of the Pimp.”

They killed it.

TIMEP's Mai El-Sadany peering right through Ramy.

Seated with Ramy in that last picture is TIMEP's very awesome Mai El-Sadany, who is clearly peering right through the man.

More soon.

#journal #travel #BeyondResistance #WashingtonDC #RamyEssam