G A N Z E E R . T O D A Y


I did this to myself. I know from experience that high contrast images with large shadow spaces make good stencil art and those comprised of thin lineart not so much. Also, it's obviously less of a pain to cut by hand.

But, I have determined that this is exactly what the last of the [Baker Institute] murals needs so it is exactly what I'm going to do; a large image that you can sort of make out from a distance but one that doesn't at all take away from all the layers of other content on the surface. This will make up the final addition to the wall, and after that it's just a matter of final touch ups here and there.

Oh wait, and some ceramic tiles :–)

#work #mural #process

I've worked on 4-story high murals before, which I can pull off in 5-6 days easy. But for the past 3 months I've been working on a series of murals much smaller in scale but far more complex in their “construction”, hence my absence from writing for awhile.

My days have more or less looked like this:

6:30am – Wake up, feed Moony, make coffee (the wife and I will sometimes alternate the “feed Moony” and “make coffee” parts).

7:30am – Breakfast (typically a granola bowl or somesuch). Also, put out birdfeeders (racoons get to them overnight).

8:00am – Shower, shave, look human.

8:30am – Moony's off to daycare (usually handled by the wife, but this coming week will be all on me).

9:00am – Exercise.

9:45am – Cut stencils and/or pickup supplies and/or other preparatory things (also, fill up birdbath).

11:30am – Head over to the Baker Institute at Rice University (where the murals are being painted).

12:00pm – Paint murals.

02:00pm – Break for lunch and coffee.

02:30pm – Continue painting.

04:30pm – Stop painting.

05:00pm – Pickup Moony from daycare.

05:30pm – Prepare dinner + feed Moony

06:15pm – Bathe Moony.

06:30pm – Slip Moony into PJs, bedtime reading + milk.

06:55pm – Tuck Moony in crib.

07:00pm – Kitchen cleanup and bring in birdfeeders.

07:30pm – Play dead in front of TV (A short show, some Youtube, or Cathode TV).

08:00pm – Fall asleep (actually).

If I'm really tired (and I usually am) I sleep right through to 6:30am the next day, but sometimes I'll wake up around 1 or 2am and read for a bit before I doze off again. These days it's DUNE.

Tonight however, I was only able to doze off for half an hour before snapping awake again. I hope that writing this will put me back to bed.

And I'm also hoping to wrap those murals up by next week.

But, I also told myself that last week, so...

#journal #work

Wall 2 is catching up with Wall 1, which I consider barely half complete. Which leaves me the month of September to finish them up. Will probably devote 1 week to mostly finishing each, and one week to the 2 additional walls I have to do (pretty straightforward those), with the final week of September left for final touches.

Tomorrow's tasks: – Modify posters and pasteups. – Wall 1 and 2: Wheat-paste posters – Wall 1 and 2: Take measurements for 3rd layer of art – Wall 1 and 2: Assorted scribbles and doodles

#work #process #mural

After a couple of 6-hour days on the murals, I was near destroyed (still forget it's been a long time since I was in my 20's), so I'm back to 4-hours a day now, leaving me enough time in the day to exercise, prep meals, spend a little time with moony, and plan the next day ahead, in addition to some prep work at the studio.

Speaking of, plan for tomorrow:

  • Wall 1: Finish up green bar
  • Wall 1: Finish blue column
  • Wall 2: Paint Blue Bar
  • Wall 2: Paint White Camo

#work #mural #process

Work on the mural took a bit of a turn today, so tomorrow it should involve:

  • Bring fluorescent paint
  • Wall 1 & 2: Mask ceiling
  • Wall 2: Measure low ceiling
  • Wall 1 & 2: Paint top edges
  • Wall 2: Paint blue bar
  • Wall 2: Paint blue camo arrow
  • Wall 2: Paint white camo

#work #mural #process

I've been working on a couple of slow-burn murals since July, due for completion by end of September. Each day requires a handful of tasks to check off. Tomorrow, I'ma need to:

  • Bring 2 more buckets
  • Bring more masking tape
  • Bring more paint markers
  • Bring cutting board
  • Bring more white paint
  • Mask up ceiling edges
  • Paint top edges
  • Paint camo calligraphy
  • Paint rest of abtal calligraphy
  • Email HPI about vinyl

Also: – Contact Mark about Hands Up

#work #mural #process

Six years and some 250 pages later and I'm still on my bullshit.

In the final 30% stretch though, so edging closer to finishing this godforsaken project.

Off to New York tomorrow. Buncha things to do there, but compared to the amount of busy I've been lately, it's the closest I'll be getting to unwinding for a while.

Also, excited to be making a public appearance at Desert Island in Brooklyn on July 29th, 6-8pm. It'll be the first in-person public thing I've done in long long time!

#journal #work #TheSolarGrid #comix

When I was a little boy I couldn't get enough comicbooks, this was before I could even read. Thanks primarily to my older brother who was an avid reader of the things, along with sci-fi and fantasy paperbacks and Dungeons & Dragons catalogues. I would just stare at the artwork of these things, unable to understand the stories but my imagination would make up its own conclusions and assumptions based entirely on the stunning art. The first burning desire I remember ever having in this world is being able to read, just to understand the seemingly magnificent tales depicted by the artwork of these comix and paperback covers. The second burning desire I ever remember having is wanting to make those things.

Eventually, I'd manage to fulfill that first desire and unlock the ability to read and understand those stories, some living up to whatever I imagined, some surpassing it, and some... well not so much. As time progressed I would acquire new desires; getting to know girls, painting murals, showing my art in museums, so on and so forth. And indeed many of these desires I would end up fulfilling, but the second desire I remember ever having in this here earthly existence? Yeah, not yet.

But now it seems like fulfilling that desire is inching closer to reality; I'm now working on the last 30% of my epic 400+ page sci-fi graphic novel! Earlier chapters of which are being released in single issues as we speak! And in less than 2 weeks time, I'll be doing my first ever comicbook signing!!

This is such a big deal to me. I'm filled with all kinds of feels that are difficult to describe. Also, I've heard much lore of the legendary Desert Island in Brooklyn where the signing is to take place, and I really can't wait to check it out and [likely] discover a few gems that have probably escaped my radar.

#Journal #Work #Comix #TheSolarGrid #Appearance

Looks like my plate is rather full well until spring 2022 maybe, hence the radio silence for almost two weeks now. “Ganzeer.Today” my ass, amiright?

Had quite a bit of calendering to do to make sure everything is accurately scheduled and planned so I can hit all the necessary milestones for the various projects exactly when they need to. I do like to plan for a little leeway, and there's some of that but not as much as I typically like.

THE SOLAR GRID is moving along, currently inking Ch.6 (issue #7 in the print editions) at a rate of about 1 page every 2-3 days, which isn't too too bad considering the other projects I'm juggling (all of which are awesome and I'm terribly excited about, announcements for which will be forthcoming).

Issue #4 drop July 21 and it features what may just be my favorite cover art to date:

There are a couple TSG events in the works; a real live in-person one when I'm in New York in a few weeks, and a pretty awesome virtual one slated for August, fingers cross on both. More deets later pending confirmations.

(Pictured top is a scene from THE SOLAR GRID #7)

#work #comix

Don't know why I thought I could ink this double-page opener in a single day. Here I am 3 days later. The lighting is a bit tricky, because I have three sources in an otherwise very dark location, and I'm just figuring it out in inks as I go. Here's hoping I finally nail it today.

In other THE SOLAR GRID related news, I did a Twitter video-thread on TSG #2 which came out in print last month.

Also also, I'm doing a live video thing today on Booklyn's Youtube Channel called “My Favorite Book”. 5:50pm CST.

#journal #work #comix #TheSolarGrid